Social Security Disability Lawyer Cases

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Social Security Disability Lawyer Cases

Social Security Disability Lawyer Cases: best lawyers for social security disability

It can be very difficult to navigate the complexity of Social Security Disability (SSD) claims, particularly for people with health issues. Attorneys for Social Security Disability are essential in defending the rights of their clients and making sure they get the benefits they are due. This article will examine the noteworthy effects of Social Security Disability lawyer cases and highlight the triumphs that highlight the value of legal counsel during the SSD application process.

Personalized Advocacy for Diverse Cases: best lawyers for social security disability

Social Security Disability lawyers handle a diverse range of cases, each with its unique challenges. From individuals with physical disabilities to those facing mental health struggles, these lawyers provide personalized advocacy, tailoring their approach to the specific needs of each case.

Navigating Complex Medical Conditions:

SSD cases often involve intricate medical conditions that may be challenging to understand and present effectively. Social Security Disability lawyers specialize in comprehending complex medical documentation, ensuring that their clients’ cases are thoroughly supported with the necessary evidence.

Overcoming Initial Denials:

A significant number of SSD applications face initial denials. Social Security Disability lawyers are adept at handling denials, analyzing the reasons behind them, and formulating compelling appeals. Their expertise increases the chances of successfully overturning denials in the appeals process.

Examples of Successful Cases

In the 40 years of Social Security Disability practice, Reyes & Reyes Law Firm has successfully represented thousands of clients. Every client is important to our firm and receives special personalized representation. All clients bring a unique set of circumstances. The following list is only a small fraction of cases that have been represented and won:

  1. 58-year-old male construction worker injured at work – We guided him through the application process and all the appeals. We won the case before an administrative law judge and the client was awarded all benefits.
  2. 49-year-old single mother of two suffering from fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, and diabetes – The client was denied Social Security Disability. We appealed the case and won, granting her all the benefits that she was entitled to.
  3. 47-year-old nurse – The client was represented by a non-attorney and denied at the hearing level of her disability case. Her case was abandoned until a family member brought her into our office. We filed an appeal with the appeals council. Her case was won by Reyes & Reyes in front of the same judge that issued the original denial. Her back-due benefits resulted in an award of over $94,000.
  4. A 62-year-old male who filed for early retirement due to weakness and fatigue. The local Social Security office did not explain that he could apply for Social Security Disability simultaneously. He saw us in a community service TV program and came to see us. We filed a Social Security Disability claim, won his case, and increased his retirement benefit to 100% for the rest of his life.
  5. Harvard law graduate and former attorney suffering from serious mental problems – The client was denied any type of benefits and was referred to Reyes & Reyes by the Bar Association. We successfully represented him through the entire appeal process and obtained all his benefits.
  6. 47-year-old female non-English speaking sewing machine operator suffering from carpal tunnel – The client had been working for the past 21 years and came into our office seeking advice after being pressured by her employer for not meeting quota and was eventually terminated for low production. We explained her Social Security Disability options and successfully obtained her full benefits.

Case 1: Overturning a Complex Denial

Attorney Sarah Thompson successfully overturned a denial for a client with a rare autoimmune disorder. Thompson’s expertise in navigating complex medical documentation and building a compelling case led to a favourable decision upon appeal.

Case 2: Securing Benefits for Mental Health Challenges

John Anderson, a Social Security Disability lawyer, assisted a client facing mental health challenges in obtaining SSD benefits. Anderson’s compassionate and thorough approach to presenting the impact of mental health on the client’s ability to work resulted in a successful claim.

Social Security Disability lawyer cases highlight the critical role that legal counsel plays in guaranteeing that people with disabilities receive the benefits to which they are legally entitled. These attorneys make a substantial contribution to the success stories that highlight the significance of their advocacy in the SSD process, from navigating complicated medical conditions to overturning denials and securing prompt resolutions. Seeking the help of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney could be the key to a successful outcome and the necessary financial relief if you or a loved one is dealing with SSD issues.

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